Thursday, November 24, 2011

Team USS: The First Member

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I might feature swimmers who are truly unsung swim stars. To be perfectly honest, I know a lot of swimmers who deserve the title more than I do (I just claimed it before anyone else did). After much debate, I have finally decided to feature someone who deserves recognition for his achievements! 

This student-athlete will be the first member of what I like to call Team Unsung Swim Stars or Team USS. Early next month, get to know this inaugural member and standout swimmer. Read about his swimming story, motivations and future goals. Learn his favorite swimming moment and what he aspires to be when he finally hangs up his suits. And, if he is willing to share them, discover things which he keeps personal. 

Check back in a couple of weeks to find out who the first member of Team USS is!

Take Your Mark!

To find out more about Team USS click on the properly labelled tab above or here.

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