Creating a blog dedicated to swimming has been one of my ambitions ever since I discovered my passion for writing. I made some attempts in the past to pursue my dream but my academic and athletic obligations always left me either too tired or too overworked to follow through with my plans. Now that I have a college degree under my belt and my swimming career over and done with, I finally found time to create Songs from the Unsung Swim Star (or SoUSS as I like to call it).
My blogposts or "songs" as I call them (both posted and soon to-be) are inspired by my experiences as a swimmer for my alma mater, swim club and (once) the Philippines. Some are or will simply be emotional unloading while others are feature articles about the latest swimming news or a swimming tip. Regardless of the the actual content, the songs will all be about swimming and anything associated with it. After all, what good is a swimming blog if I do not write about swimming?
It is my sincerest hope that I would eventually be able to help promote swimming--both competitive and recreational--by generating interest for the sport through my articles.
Thank you for dropping by, friend! I hope you enjoy my reading my songs. Feel free to leave a comment or anything.
Mike A. Contreras
The Unsung Swim Star