Tuesday, October 18, 2011

25 Reasons Why You Should Date A Swimmer

To all the girls out there, here are some compelling reasons why you should date a swimmer, even a retired one at that!

1. We like it wet
2. We are used to wearing next to nothing in front of people
3. We are experts at putting on rubber and can do it fast
4. We know how to push it and work under HARD conditions
5. We believe practice makes perfect and will any time day or night
6. We are used to doing things till you cant go on any longer
7. Sprinters are fast and efficient. Distance swimmers can last a long time
8. We are always ready to dive in head first
9. We may get tired but never stop in the middle
10. We do it in the water
11. We start fast, stay strong, and finish hard
12. We are always wet and half naked
13. We are able to do it on our backs or our stomachs
14. We can do it fast or slow
15. We can do it 4 different ways
16. We know how to get dressed and undressed in no time
17. We are always improving our times
18. We are better when we put our hips into it
19. We have good endurance
20. We are not afraid of pain
21. We always finish what they start
22. We are always clean
23. We will flip for you in a second
24. The deeper we go the faster we get
25. We are always looking for the perfect stroke


  1. Isa lang masasabi ko. ENDURANCE IS EVERYTHING. :) AMEN. Ask any girl, they don't care about the length or girth, all they care about is that they are satisfied. And by satisfied I mean they get there, as many times as possible. Swimmers get you there, 4 consecutive times, 4 different strokes. hahahaha.

  2. Spoken like a true man of experience, Hans Ang!
